International Beer Day is always celebrated on the first Friday of August each year. It started in 2007 as a local event and is now being celebrated all around the world. This day aims to gather friends and families together so they may enjoy drinking beer together. In 2022, International Beer Day is on August 8th. As this special day is coming, do you have any plan to celebrate? If you’re still wondering, you can refer the list of exciting ideas below.
1. Start By Toasting The Beer Makers
Many folks can agree that the perfect place to begin celebrating this day is just raising a glass, tankard, bottle, or can and toasting those that make the amazing brew possible. Whether it is at a bar, club, pub, or even just a cook-out, it is easy enough to find a place to get a brew or two.
2. Learn Some Beer Trivia
Beer has an interesting history and unique fun facts that can be thrown around with a group of friends, especially on Beer Day! For instance, maybe everyone doesn’t know it was the 18th Amendment to the US Constitution that made alcohol illegal in 1919!
3. Join In On a Beer Day Event
Most places that hold Beer Day events do so by tapping new, or in some cases rare, beers. Other places might celebrate by hosting a happy hour that lasts all day, or putting on trivia events and games–with prizes involving beer gear, of course! Grab some friends (being responsible) and share the wonders of beer with those nearby.
4. Try a New Kind of Beer
In honor of the day, consider hoisting up a different type of beer than the usual fare, to expand those horizons. With more than 100 different styles (and sub-styles) of beer worldwide and thousands of different brands, there is always an opportunity to try something new!
Beer Day is the perfect time to try out one of these unusual styles of beer:
– Gruit: This beer might especially cater to lovers of Tolkein’s fantasy world as it takes on a medieval flare, with herbs and spices that with names like mugwort and horehound. Try a variety such as Posca Rustica from Brassier Dupont, Tourpes Belgium.
– Oyster Stout: Hailing back to rumors of a tradition in New Zealand and England where some brewers were believed to use oysters in beer for “health purposes”. A few modern breweries have taken this up, like The Porterhouse Brewing Company in Dublin, Ireland.
– Gose: This one, coming from ancient brewing antics in Leipzig, Germany, is brewed with salted water that produces a briny flavor. Upright Brewing in Portland, Oregon, is one of a few brewers that have started reviving the tradition with their versions of this salted beer.
Even if it is just a more average type of beer you have never tried before, give it that much at least. Sometimes, somewhere, a brewer spent time getting that beer right and marketing it to the public.
5. Sing beer songs at Karaoke
Tune-up the twang in your voice and head out to your nearest Karaoke venue to pay tribute to beer. Nobody sings about beer like American country music artists. Don’t worry about being able to carry a tune on International Beer Day. Just add a little southern drawl to that twang, and everyone will be singing along with you, celebrating your good taste in music…and beer.
6. Earn your wings
Earn your wings with a test flight of beers, that is, at a local taproom. It’s a big beer world, so step out and try something new on International Beer Day. Better yet, why not make a day of it? Tour the brewery first to learn about the science behind brewing beer and then do some flight testing.
7. Be Generous
If you are a regular at your local pub, tavern, or taproom, leave an extra-generous tip at the bar today. Tell your bartender how much you appreciate him or her. Take their photo and post it on your social media sites with lots of kisses and hugs. And please remember to drink and post responsibly.
8. Try on a new Beer Shirt
No matter what you will do in Beer Day, wearing a Beer Shirt might be great idea for you, right? In our online store, latest designs have just arrived in our Beer Collection. So pick your favorite one now and have a great time at your beer party. Don’t forget to share with us your happy experience with Owlsmatrix to receive the thank you gift from us.