Book Description:
Master modern automotive systems with James D. Halderman’s “Automotive Technology: Principles, Diagnosis, and Service, 4th Edition.” This essential guide covers core principles, diagnostics, and service techniques. Essential for students and professionals. ISBN: 978-0132542616.
Automotive Technology: Principles, Diagnosis, and Service, 4th Edition
Author: James D. Halderman
ISBN: 978-0132542616
Publisher: Pearson
Edition: 4th Edition
Language: English
Description: Automotive Technology: Principles, Diagnosis, and Service, 4th Edition by James D. Halderman offers an in-depth overview of the latest automotive systems and how they operate. This comprehensive guide explores the fundamental principles of automotive technology, diagnostic techniques, and service practices. From detailed studies of electrical systems to in-depth analysis of engine performance, this textbook provides extensive insights necessary for professional growth in the field of automotive technology. Its structured format and abundant illustrations aid both beginners and advanced technicians in understanding critical concepts and procedures involved in today’s automotive technology.
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