Book Description:
Explore the vast landscape of human cultures in “Cultural Anthropology, 14th Edition” by Carol R. Ember. This edition offers a clear, comprehensive introduction to cultural anthropology, highlighting essential theories, methods, and the impact of culture on human life.
Cultural Anthropology, 14th Edition
- Title: Cultural Anthropology, 14th Edition
- Author: Carol R. Ember
- Publisher: Pearson
- ISBN: 978-0205957194
Cultural Anthropology, 14th Edition, authored by Carol R. Ember, is a thorough and current introduction to the field of cultural anthropology. The book is written in a clear and engaging manner, providing readers with a comprehensive overview of major concepts, theories, and methods in cultural anthropology along with an in-depth exploration of the diversity of human cultures worldwide.
Aimed at fostering a profound understanding of cultural anthropology and its significance in today’s global context, this edition delves into various crucial themes such as the essence of culture and its impact on human life, the vast array of human cultures, the methodologies adopted by anthropologists to investigate cultural phenomena, and the significant challenges and prospects humanity faces in the 21st century. Cultural Anthropology, 14th Edition, serves as an invaluable resource for students studying cultural anthropology and for those eager to learn more about the cultural variances across the globe.