Book Description:
“Elementary Statistics: A Brief Version (7th Edition) by Allan G. Bluman simplifies complex statistics into clear, concise lessons. Ideal for a one-term course, it emphasizes real-world applications, helping students grasp and apply statistical principles confidently.”
Elementary Statistics: A Brief Version (7th Edition)
- Author: Allan G. Bluman
- ISBN: 978-0077720582
- Edition: 7th Edition
- Language: English
“Elementary Statistics: A Brief Version” by Allan G. Bluman is designed for a shorter one-term introductory statistics course. This seventh edition provides a fundamental, concise introduction to statistics, empowering students to achieve an essential grasp of the principles. Through clear instruction and a variety of practical examples, Bluman’s text helps students learn to approach and solve problems, while fostering an appreciation for the practical value of statistics in everyday life and different disciplines. It emphasizes understanding statistical concepts via real-world applications and its integration of technology. Clear and concise, this book simplifies complex statistical processes, helping students to become more proficient and confident with the subject matter.